June 26, 2024: War Profiteers Out of Madison! – Rally & March

URGENT call to action!

The City of Madison is hosting a private weapons manufacturer conference at Monona Terrace this week. Corporate fat cats from Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, and others will claim this is about national defense, and is being held in secret for national security. But these companies make bombs that are killing thousands in Gaza and elsewhere and destroying the climate.

The Monona Terrace is partially funded by the city, which means the City of Madison is using taxpayer money to bring these war criminals to our community instead of funding public transit, healthcare, housing, and other things regular people in our city need. This is DESPITE the city council passing a ceasefire resolution last year. We demand Madison put its money where its mouth is and stop profiting from genocide and climate collapse!

Join us on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 to say “War Profiteers out of Madison”!

Meet at the MLK Jr Street entrance to the Monona Terrace at 5 pm for a rally and march.

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