June 28 to July 8, 2024: Art for Humanity’s Sake: Silent Art Auction for Gaza Relief

(Much of the art is on display now at Java Cat Coffee Shop, 4221 Lien Road on Madison’s east side. A Meet and Greet the artists will be held there on Tuesday July 2… See below.)

Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (MRSCP) is partnering with more than 25 artists to present a silent art auction in response to the worsening humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.Bidding will run until July 8 on more than 50 works of art, with proceeds going to Middle East Children’s Alliance  (MECA) for immediate purchase and distribution of desperately needed humanitarian aid in Gaza.  Many of the artists represented are Wisconsin based, and their donated work includes photography, acrylic and mixed media paintings, pottery, textiles, prints, and embroidery. View available pieces NOW at https://www.32auctions.com/ArtforGaza2024.

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