Hands Off UW Madison Student Orgs.! – Demand Restoration of all Student Orgs. Supporting Palestine!

Daily Cardinal Article: https://tinyurl.com/yc43ynyz

YDSA receives interim suspensions following pro-Palestine encampment

YDSA is suspended pending an investigation for allegedly violating campus policy and state law during the encampment, a suspension letter from Dean of students, Christina Olstad said. SJP is under a similar CSO investigation.

By Ty Javier

May 23, 2024 | 8:59am CDT

Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) received an interim suspension on May 22 pending an investigation from the Committee on Student Organizations (CSO) into conduct surrounding the pro-Palestine encampment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is facing a similar investigation, but has not received an interim suspension as of publication, according to documents obtained by The Daily Cardinal. 

SJP and YDSA, registered student organizations (RSOs) at UW-Madison, organized the 12-day pro-Palestine encampment on Library Mall starting April 29. 

According to letters obtained by the Cardinal, SJP and YDSA allegedly violated university policy and law including UWS 18.07(4), a Wisconsin Administrative Code that prohibits camping and picnicking on university property outside of approved areas. 

Other alleged violations include “Discriminatory Harassment,” “Damage to or Theft of Property” and “Disruptive Conduct” among others. 

“I have determined that an interim suspension is necessary to protect the health and safety of members of the University,” Dean of Students Christina Olstad wrote in the letter to YDSA.

April 29, 2024 at Library Mall at UW Madison. / Photo: Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement

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