Saturday July 18 & Sunday July 19, 2020: Worldwide Concert for Cuba!  

Saturday July 18 & Sunday July 19
at 5pm Pacific – 7pm Chicago – 8pm Eastern
HotHouseGlobal is our online streaming platform for Live arts +activism programming. We formed this collective project organized by HotHouse, as a free service intended to provide revenues for musicians and to encourage social justice networking and activism from places around the globe.
A message from Marguerite Horberg. Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit Center for International Performance and Exhibition and Co-Executive Producer of the The Concert for Cuba
The Concert for Cuba started as a simple invitation from HotHouse to Raul Cuza to curate an evening of music on our streaming platform, HotHouseGlobal
In less than one month, #Concert for Cuba has mushroomed into an unprecedented world-wide and historic event that will be live streamed exclusively via across the planet
With more than 100 individual voices lifting up to praise Cuban medical workers and calling for the end of the inhumane US blockade of Cuba, this is an unprecedented moment when artists and activists – poets and politicians- musicians and muckrakers -have all given so generously of their time and voice, to one EPIC world-wide event.
This two-night only event is presented free of charge, with no pay wall or ticket needed -we do ask however, that folks pre-register here
All of the labor to produce this event and all the talent showcased in the concert has been donated, so that we might reach everyone without barriers
We hope that you will support the artists during the show via the links that will be in the chat and comments – We also hope that you will get active with the many organizations working to end the blockade
With the concert streamed via many Pacifica radio stations, sent out to networks of solidarity groups across the planet, streamed via our partners Sunfest, Womad Chile and the OllinKan festival in Mexico, streaming in Zimbabwe and broadcast across the nation in Cuba on the Clave station- the anticipated viewership is expected to be in the millions!
We could not have dreamed to pull this off without a dedicated core team of tireless co-creators and we are deeply indebted to the dozen or so folks who have been at the planning and execution of this project for 15 hours a day for weeks.
Please help me thank them by reading the credits linked here
We hope you will share this event even more broadly and use the next couple of days to tweet, post, call, text, and shout it out
On behalf of all of us, we really appreciate your support!
We hope that after the event, you will continue to tune in to HotHouseGlobal and stay in touch with our work. Our goal is to build a new cultural center in Bronzeville – perhaps in the post-Covid era we can meet in person in the new HotHouse!
Until then remember….beep beep…no parking on the dance floor and all we ask is that you wear that mask !
Raul Cuza, Marguerite Horberg, Bill Martinez, & The Institute of Cuban Music
Lead Broadcast Producers for HotHouseGlobal are Vedran Residbegovic and Luis “Che” Jahn with support by Bea Cabrera
Communication strategies MK Communications
 The Center For International Performance and Exhibition dba HotHouse, Suzanne Thompson, Alicia Zertuche, Melissa O’Brien, MK Communications, (Marilyn Katz and Brian Berg), Alexis Triana, Catherine Murphy, Kimberly Waller, La Rueda Films, VedranRe Films
HotHouseGlobal Marguerite Horberg, David Offenberg Jonathan Woods, Edward Wilkerson Jr., Dushun Mosley, Bea Cabrera
All the links to the Spanish and English language press releases, talent bios, posters, logos, Spanish and English language tweets, Eventbrite registration and “Where to Watch” links are in the Tool Kit – Please use the easy to use tools to help make this LOVE SONG for CUBA go Global! THANK YOU for being a LOVE AMBASSADOR !
As updates are added daily, the links are refreshed and up- to- date
HotHouse programs and operations are supported in part by funding provided by the Reva and David Logan Foundation, The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation and the Dorothy and Gaylord Donnelley Foundation
Our streaming services are presented free of charge to support the arts and culture industry hard hit by the pandemic
Help keep HotHouseGlobal flourishing without a pay wall

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