Major New Developments in Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg Campaign

It has been a while since I’ve provided an update on my parents’ — Ethel and Julius Rosenbergs’ — case. I’m writing today because, finally, we have news.

As I’m sure you’ll recall, in 2016 my brother Michael and I, in conjunction with the RFC, launched the Exonerate Ethel campaign, asking then-President Obama to issue a proclamation declaring that our mother’s conviction and execution were wrongful. Though we were disappointed that Obama left office without honoring our request, we never stopped pursuing justice and working to clear our mother’s name.

In 2022, my brother and I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of the National Security Agency (NSA) asking for the declassification and release of the agency’s files relating to our mother. Earlier this year NSA personnel identified 88 key documents and are in the process of recommending declassification. 

While there is still a lot of uncertainty,it is possible that within months or even weeks the RFC will have breaking news about the release of powerfully exculpatory evidence relating to our mother. We hope to use this new information to restart our Exonerate Ethel campaign by asking President Biden to issue a Presidential Proclamation stating that Ethel Rosenberg was wrongfully convicted and executed.

As soon as we have updates, we’ll share them with our community. In the meantime you can read my new RFC guest blog to learn more about where things stand. And please keep an eye on your inbox and the RFC’s social media pages for updates, which may include a call to action. I sincerely thank you for joining my brother and me, and the RFC, for this latest effort which I hope will finally grant Ethel the justice she deserves.


Robert Meeropol

Founder, Rosenberg Fund for Children

Younger son of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

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