Feb. 16, 2021: ILPS Film Screening of ’40 Years A Prisoner’ (The MOVE 9)

As part of Black History Month, ILPS US will be screening 40 Years a Prisoner, a documentary directed by Tommy Oliver that follows the life of Michael Africa, Jr. to exonerate his parents, both incarcerated members of the revolutionary group MOVE. The documentary is currently being shown on HBO and includes producers like Common, John Legend, Questlove and many others.

This special ILPS US viewing will be on Tuesday, January 16 at 6pm EST / 5pm CST / 3pm PST. The event will include welcoming and discussion with Michael Africa, Jr. himself! Please register at tinyurl.com/ILPS40Years

The MOVE 9, which includes Michael Africa Jr.’s parents Debbie Sims Africa and Mike Africa Sr., were in prison since August 8, 1978, following a massive police attack on their home in the Powelton Village neighborhood of Philadelphia. This was seven years before the government dropped a bomb on MOVE, killing 11 people, including 5 babies. Today, the only remaining member of MOVE in prison is Mumia Abu-Jamal.

MOVE, a member of ILPS US, surfaced in Philadelphia during the early 1970’s. Characterized by dreadlock hair, the adopted surname “Africa”, a principled unity, and a commitment to their belief, members practiced the teachings of MOVE founder John Africa.

Come learn more about MOVE and the struggle to free the MOVE 9 and all political prisoners! Share widely and register today! For any questions, please email ilps.us.chapter@gmail.com

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