Occupy 4 Jobs!: Dec. 3 WI BOPM People’s Organizing Meeting, Milwaukee

On Dec. 3, the Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement and the Occupy 4 Jobs Network is hosting a People’s Organizing Meeting in Milwaukee. A special section of the meeting will be on Occupy Wall Street. Free and open to the public, the meeting will take up BOPM’s Occupy 4 Jobs campaign, fighting police brutality, immigrant rights, youth-student issues, a moratorium on foreclosures, LGBTQ rights, opposing imperialist wars and the NATO/G-8 conference in Chicago in May.

Numerous progressive organizations are involved, including Occupy The Hood and other Occupy Wisconsin movements, as well as BOPM organizers from Chicago, Detroit and New York City will be participating. Visit www.wibailoutpeople.org or email wibailoutpeople@gmail.com. Also see: http://occupy4jobs.org/

WHAT: WI Bail Out The People Movement and Occupy 4 Jobs! People’s Organizing Meeting
WHEN: Saturday, Dec. 3, 1-4 p.m.
WHERE: 724 N. 26th Street (& Wisconsin Avenue) 53233 Milwaukee (Amalgamated Transit Union Hall Local 998)

– Registration begins at 12:15 p.m. / No alcohol or other drug use at meeting
– Parking in parking lot adjacent to the hall or on the street
– #27, 10 & 30 MCTS buses
– Clybourn Street Exit off Hwy 94

Dec. 3 Flier:


Dec. 3 11 x 17 poster:


Facebook event:

