Detroit June 6 and 10: Mass Demonstration Against Emergency Financial Manager

Location: Greater Grace Temple, 23500 West Seven Mile at Telegraph,
Thurs. June 6, 5:30 pm
Other Location: MLK King High School, 3200 E. Lafayette, Mon. June 10, 5:30pm
Sponsor: Moratorium NOW! Coalition and a Host of Community Organizations
Contact: 313-680-5508

The banks owe us billions of dollars for the destruction they have caused! They must be
made to pay for the reconstruction of our communities.

We are demanding that the City of Detroit should immediately place a Moratorium (halt) on all debt service payments to the banks. We need to restore and expand City services, not see them gutted. City workers have taken too many concessions already and pensions must be guaranteed. We can win these demands by mobilizing to fight back.


Milwaukee to Mequon, June 1: Palermo’s Workers & Friends To March For Justice

Facebook Event:

Join us on the one year anniversary of the historic walk-out of over 100 Palermo’s Pizza workers!

We’ll walk 18 miles from the Palermo’s factory to the Fallucca (owner’s) home in Mequon: 8am Send-off Rally; 8pm Vigil.

Community allies are invited to walk with us for any distance, large or small.

Walk with us for workers rights! Walk against the exploitation of immigrant workers! Walk to tell the Fallucca family “You must do right by the people who built your company!”

Although broken system of immigration and labor laws has failed these workers, our community stands with them and demands moral justice!

8:00AM, Send-off Rally @ 3301 W. Canal St., Mke
8:30AM – 8:00PM, walk from Mke to Mequon
8:00PM, Candlelight Vigil, 12801 N. Fox Hollow Rd., Mequon

The walk is divided into 6 sections, with 5 pre-planned rest stops at specific times. Groups of sponsors will coordinate food and drink at each rest stop. Community allies are encouraged to come out to a rest stop to show your support for the walkers.

More info: