Lennon Lacy: A New Generation’s “Strange Fruit”

FULL ARTICLE BY MR. LAMONT LILLY: http://tinyurl.com/l4qe2bc

“The nineteenth century lynch mob cuts off ears, toes and fingers, strips off flesh and distributes portions of the body as souvenirs among the crowd.”  ~Ida B. Wells
Lennon Lacy did not hang himself; he was lynched!  He did not commit suicide; he was murdered! Capturing the correct language is so critical in this case, which is probably why mainstream media has refused to cover it.  The correct language reflects a history America would rather not share, while “lynching” is a word most Black folk would rather forget.  The harsh reality is that Lennon Lacy, a 17-year-old Black kid from North Carolina was lynched just two months ago.
What happened down there?…

From Chicago: Get on the Bus to Detroit! All out for Rasmea!

After a series of unfair rulings by Judge Drain a few days ago, our call for everyone to “Get on the Bus” is now even more important.  All of Rasmea‘s supporters must pack the courtroom every day of the trial, and especially the first week: Tuesday, November 4, through Friday, November 7.

Buses for Rasmea’s trial in Detroit will be leaving from the Chicago area on Monday night, November 3, at 11:30 PM, from the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview at 7360 W. 93rd Street.

Those who want to ride the bus MUST reserve a space by filling out this online web form.  We are calling on supporters to try to make a commitment for the whole week.  On the form, you MUST tell us how many days of the trial you can attend.

If you have any questions, email them to justice4rasmea@uspcn.org.  See you on the bus and in the courts!


Drop the Charges Against Rasmea Now!

Rasmea Yousef Odeh

Dr. Rasmea Yousef Odeh

Milwaukee, October 30: 6 Months Too Long: Honoring The Life Of Dontre Hamilton

EVENT: http://tinyurl.com/q4r7mhj

Calling all concerned community members, activists, friends, and family to stand and unite for justice in the city of Milwaukee.

October 30 will mark the 6th month anniversary since Dontre Hamilton was wrongfully shot 14 times in Red Arrow Park by Milwaukee Police Officer Christopher Manney. The chief of police has made it clear that this officer violated Dontre’s constitutional rights and initiated an altercation which led to him murdering our brother on April 30th of this past year. While his firing was a step in the right direction, it is not enough. There is more work to be done, and our community must not rest until injustice is eradicated from our streets, our neighborhoods, and our city.

We are gathering in Red Arrow Park (our Ground Zero) to honor Dontre Hamilton’s life and speak out about the injustices that continue to take place in our communities by officers who are sworn to protect and serve us.

Our slogan has been, and will remain, “NO JUSTICE, NO COMPROMISE.” We will not compromise as long as our children have to grow up in fear of the police officers who roam their city blocks. We cannot compromise as long as our constitutional rights are violated by the very officials who take oaths to uphold them.

Please join us.

NOTE: This event will take place on Thursday October 30 at Red Arrow Park (1000 N. Water St.) at 6 pm.
