National Day of Mourning – November 28, 2019

What is the National Day of Mourning

The National Day of Mourning takes place on the fourth Thursday of November. If this date sounds familiar to you, it’s because the fourth Thursday of November also coincides with Thanksgiving in the U.S. Every year on the National Day of Mourning, Native American people in New England gather together to protest. To them, Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of the unjust treatment that Native Americans have received since the 1620 Plymouth landing.

History of the National Day of Mourning

The National Day of Mourning reminds us all that Thanksgiving is only part of the story. Native Americans, since 1970, have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving Day. 
Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and established the first colony in 1620. As such, it’s the oldest municipality in New England. Many Native Americans, however, don’t celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving, to them, is a brutal reminder of “the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture.” 
They participate as a way to honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. “It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”
The United American Indians of New England (UAINE) sponsors this event. They maintain that the Pilgrims arrived in North America and claimed tribal land for their own, as opposed to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the local inhabitants. UAINE members believe that these settlers “introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system.”
The National Day of Mourning generally begins at noon and includes a march through the historic district of Plymouth. While the UAINE encourages people of all backgrounds to attend the protests, only Native speakers are invited to give these speeches about the past, as well as current obstacles their people have overcome. Guests are asked to bring non-alcoholic beverages, desserts, fresh fruits and vegetables, or pre-cooked items. The protest is open to anyone, and has attracted other minority activists.

Milwaukee, Decembeer 6, 2019: Climate Strike

December 6th Milwaukee Climate Strike

On December 6th, we strike! Meet at Zeidler Park at 10:30am. Our rally and protest will launch at 11:00am.

We’re reaching out for your help as students, teachers, workers, faith leaders and constituents; and as well as your friends, neighbors and loved ones. We are currently facing a Global Climate Emergency. The insufficient amount of action being taken to address this crisis has created an urgent need for us to come together in resistance, and in solidarity, to inspire greater action and engagement at all levels of our community.

The fossil fuel industry is one of the greatest proponents of Climate Change. Wells Fargo and Chase Banks are leading this footpath of destruction with the financing of more than $347.3 Billion into the pockets of fossil fuel companies and their executives since the Paris Agreement in 2016. This includes the funding of oil pipelines, fracking, sulfide mining, coal mining, oil drilling, and the lobbying of politicians that are supposed to be on our side.

On Friday, December 6th at 10:30am we’ll walk out of our schools, workplaces and homes and strike against Wells Fargo and Chase Bank’s Milwaukee locations for the financing of the global fossil fuel empire. We demand that Chase and Wells Fargo stop loaning money to fossil fuel companies, their executives and unsustainable infrastructure and instead reinvest those funds into renewable energy sources and sustainable infrastructure; and do so through an equitable lens. You can find more details on our event page here.

Our strike is being led by a new alliance made up of Extinction Rebellion Milwaukee, Sunrise Milwaukee, Youth Climate Action Team, NextGen WI, 350 Milwaukee and the Gaia Coalition Network, as well as other independent organizers, students, and community leaders.

Collectively, we’ve chosen to form The People’s Climate Coalition to combat this crisis.

We’ll see you all on Friday, December 6th.

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Appleton, December 6, 2019: Climate Strike

Youth Climate Activists – Fox ValleyGlobal Climate Strike

Our house is on fire, it’s time that we act like it. This December millions will walk out of school and work to demand Climate Justice.

We in Wisconsin are demanding Governor Evers and every local government declare a Climate Emergency, and as a state commit to 100% renewable energy by 2030. We can accomplish these goals, but only with a critical mass of people.

The next major Global Climate Strikes are November 29th and December 6th. The statewide network, Youth Climate Action Team and ourselves will be striking on December 6th. This is so we can hold other actions on November 29th, Black Friday.

The Strike will be held from 12 pm-2 pm at Houdini Plaza in Appleton. We will have signs and warm food, please just bring yourself and a friend. Everyone is welcome, everyone is needed!



For the past week, Medea Benjamin has been in Bolivia at the request of local activists, who are panicked about the situation in their country, afraid that things are spiraling out of control. They are engaging in peaceful protests to reverse the coup that happened November 10th, but the protests have been met with tear gas and even live ammunition. Unfortunately, mainstream media and even some progressive outlets are refusing to recognize that what happened a week ago was a coup and are not covering the coup regime’s racism and violence. This is why it’s important for us to bring you news live from Bolivia. Scroll down to learn more and don’t forget to sign our latest petition on Bolivia.

All CODEPINK Latin America Blogs and Articles

“They’re Killing Us Like Dogs”—A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help, By Medea Benjamin, November 22, 2019

The OAS and US help overthrow another government, by By Leonardo Flores, November 12, 2019