Foro Comunitario con Madres y Padres de Ayotzinapa / Community Forum with the Ayotzinapa Parents

Wednesday, April 1, 7pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church (613 S. 4th St. in Milwaukee)

On September 26, 2014 a group of teaching students was attacked by the police and other people in the city of Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, leaving 6 dead, 25 or more wounded, and 43 disappeared. The Mexican federal government has said that the mayor of Iguala and his wife ordered the police to repress the students and that they in turn turned them over to a gang called Guerreros Unidos (United Warriors) which killed them and burned their bodies alive. The problem is that Mexico has a long history documented by Mexican and foreign human rights organizations, other governments, and international organizations of using torture to extract confessions which are then used to construct narratives to protect criminals, the police, military officers, government officials, and politicians. Consequently, many people have no faith in the government’s account and have demanded that the investigations continue.

The principal demand of the Ayotzinapa solidarity movement has been, “They were taken alive, and alive we want them back.” The other major demand has been for the continued investigation into the killings and kidnappings to continue. At the same time, the solidarity movement which involves many organizations has raised variety of other demands from the call for the resignation of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to a halt to U.S. military support to Mexico. There has also been a call by Archbishop Raúl Vera for a “constituent congress” for the “refoundation of Mexico.” The movement has become very large and broad and no single organization speaks for it.

Now 16 of the parents and colleagues of the students are touring the United States to tell their story and lift up their demands, and next week 3 of them will be visiting Milwaukee. Join us the evening of April 1st at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church (613 S. 4th St. in Milwaukee) for a community forum at 7pm. There will be a mass at 6pm. The event will be in Spanish but we will have translation.



Milwaukee, April 11: Training for Solidarity and Mobilization: Workshops on tenant organizing, mental health and building safety nets. Free lunch.

Training for Solidarity and Mobilization: Workshops on tenant organizing, mental health and building safety nets. Free lunch.

Free, public and participatory workshops that provide immediately practical techniques for combating power and supporting solidarity. This event is in the large meeting room of the Center Street Library, 2727 W Fond Du Lac Ave, Milwaukee, on Saturday, April 11.

11-12 PM. “Tenant Organizing: Conducting Research on Landlords” led by Jacob Glicklich.

12:00-1:00. Free lunch.

1:00-1:55 PM. “Fundamentals of Mental Health” led by Sara-Marie Rachel Rahn

2:00-2:55 PM. “Are We Ready? Preparing for an Emergency and Building Safety Nets” led by Ruba Khader

3:00-4:00. “Breakout Groups: Organizing for Winnable Campaigns in Milwaukee.” Facilitated by Colleen O’Conor Rocky Getters and Hilary Wilson

This is the monthly Resistance Skillshare, organized by the Milwaukee branch of the IWW, with sessions led by IWW speakers and allies. Each workshop stands alone, there’s benefit to attending all sessions but if you can only come to some, you can still attend. To respect people’s commitments we will not be running on “activist time,” each workshop will start when scheduled. Childcare is available upon request, to arrange this contact us at

Protesters demanding an end to right-to-work-for-less legislation and other austerity in Madison Feb. 28, 2015 [Photo: Joe Brusky]

Protesters demanding an end to right-to-work-for-less legislation and other austerity in Madison Feb. 28, 2015 [Photo: Joe Brusky]

Fight For $15 on April 15, Nationwide Protest Actions

In Wisconsin: and

We are fast food cashiers and cooks, retail employees, child care workers, home care providers, and airport workers who have come together from all over the country – and the world – to fight for $15 an hour and the right to form a union without retaliation.

We work for corporations that generate tremendous profits, but don’t pay employees enough to cover basic needs like food, health care, rent, and transportation. Most of us are adults, many of us have families to support, and far too many of us are forced to rely on public assistance to scrape by.

Low-wage jobs like ours are the fastest growing jobs in the nation, and they need to pay more so that workers like us can make ends meet, and rebuild the middle class and get the economy working again.

In November 2012, we started organizing with just 200 workers in New York City. In 2013, we got bigger and stronger with thousands of fast food workers striking in over 150 cities. In 2014, we went global with actions in 33 countries and 6 continents. And in 2015, we’re getting close to winning.


EMERGENCY ALERT: Mumia Abu-Jamal In ICU, Call Prison Now

EMERGENCY ALERT: Mumia Abu-Jamal was taken to Schuylkill Medical Center in Pottsville, PA today (March 30). He is in ICU. Mumia’s spouse is not being allowed to see him. The only information we are receiving now is that he’s receiving an insulin drip for his diabetes. People should call the prison superintendent at Mahoney-SCI, John Kerestes at 570-773-2158 IMMEDIATELY, to demand that his family get to see him. When prompted, give this information for asking about Mumia: #AM 8335.


Milwaukee, April 5: Faith in Action: Rally and March for Peace and Justice in Milwaukee

“Faith In Action” is a short rally and march in the Mid-Town Plaza area to bring our faith community together and call for peace and justice in the city of Milwaukee. This event will take place on Resurrection Sunday April 5, 2015 from 2-4pm in the Piggly Wiggly Parking Lot (4061 N 54th Street)

We know that Easter Sunday is a day that folks usually spend with their families, relaxing, and getting ready for the week ahead. However this is the very reason we chose this date. We want all of the community (especially families) to come out to show this city the power of our faith in action, and what we can do when we unite and take a stand for peace, and against injustice. We know that a rally and march is not the solution to violence in our community. But we are certain that this galvanizing point could be a step to begin a larger conversation about how our faith community could be a constant presence in this ongoing fight. Please Join Us! We want to make this a day where we join together as a faith family to make our city better.

Logistical Info:
Date: April 5th, 2015
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Place: 4061 N 54th Street
Who’s Invited: All Faiths and All People (Children are Welcomed)

More Information about The Coalition For Justice and the mission of this event is below. If you or your place of worship would like go get involved please email us or take this short survey and we will reach out to you:


Madison, April 12: Benefit Show To Support Young, Gifted and Black Coalition

Local musicians bring their noise to the table in solidarity with the ongoing activism of Young, Gifted, and Black Coalition. Come early and stay late.This event is approved by YGB.

Thanks to all the musicians, Darwin Sampson at the Frequency for hosting and J Eric Cobb for creating the artwork for this show.

Ladyscissors– lo-fi garage rock doo-wop
Aaron Scholz– acoustic nostalgia songs
No Future-Sex Pistols Tribute = PUNK
Amelia Royko Maurer – Singer-Songwriter
Rob Dz– Hip Hop Activist
Cowboy Winter– garage pop soul punk
Grotto– Illustrious Rock

This show is 18 and up


Madison, April 9: Campus Panel on Fight for $15

**Organizers: Need help answering tough questions about raising the minimum wager? Bring them to the panel! Submit your questions for the panel to**

Please join the UW School for Workers, COWS, and the Madison Fight for $15 for a panel discussion about the importance of raising wages for everyone from fast food and home care workers to student hourly workers and adjunct professors.

Co-sponsoring the event is and Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC).

The panel will include underpaid campus workers who are organizing for a higher base wages for UW-Madison employees, Madison fast food workers involved in the Fight for $15, and economist Laura Dresser (Associate Director at COWS), and State Representative Melissa Sargent.

In this era of cuts to higher education and rising income inequality, raising wages for millions of low-wage workers is needed now more than ever. Join us for this conversation to learn why, and hear from workers who are leading this emerging movement.

Workers in the Fight for $15 movement are making real change. Since fast-food workers went on strike in November 2012, the Fight for $15 has completely changed the way the country looks at low-wage work and inequality. A rising tide for higher pay has spurred numerous cites, states, and even employers like Walmart,The Gap, Target and Ikea to increase wages for 8 million workers across the country.

Join us for this important conversation!


Milwaukee, April 19: U.S. Hands Off Venezuela Rally

International day of solidarity with Venezuela! U.S. Hands Off!

April 19th, 6pm, corner of Humboldt and Locust.

Rally followed by social and discussion over drinks at Riverwest Public House Cooperative at approx. 7pm.

132 political parties from 40 countries are calling for an international day of solidarity with solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela following the March 9 threats made by President Barack Obama.

Recent coup attempts have been thwarted by the progressive government of Venezuela, like the one staged by the U.S. in 2002 which temporarily kidnapped President Hugo Chavez. Now the U.S. is amping up rhetoric against Venezuela in an attempt to overthrow the progressive, democratic government.

Obama’s “Executive Decree” baselessly declared Venezuela “an extraordinary and unusual threat” to the national security of the U.S.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks at a public event in Caracas Feb. 12, 2015. A coup plot against the Venezuelan president was thwarted that day. | Photo: AVN

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks at a public event in Caracas Feb. 12, 2015. A coup plot against the Venezuelan president was thwarted that day. | Photo: AVN